
  • Color Testing with Procreate

    Unsure of the robot’s colors, I used my iPad and Procreate to mock up some colors in a quick digital format. Randomly dropping colors into the robot drawing, I…

  • Painting Robot

    I had some struggles figuring out what color to paint my HiROo robot. His name is Dewy, and he’s a librarian robot the HiROo built to retrieve and care…

  • Robot Cutting Robot

    The irony of a future with AI is that today, I’m cutting a robot artwork with my Shobot. Robots cutting robots! Humanity’s days are numbered. I chose to spend…

  • Sketch to Vector Art

    In this photo, you can compare my original sketch and the resulting vector version done on the computer. With this vectorized illustration, I can scale it to any size…

  • Robot 318

    I wanted to go back in time a little and capture some sculptures I made before starting my daily creative logging commitment. I always learn new things with each…