
  • Teacup Pop-Up

    Completed the Teacup Pop-Up design, and the printable template is available for download on Popupity.

  • Pop-Up Scene Doodle

    Been enjoying doodling with layers. Imagining a scene with a background, midground, and foreground. This one was inspired by the road trip we took with puppy Button’s this month.…

  • Printable Teacup Pop-Up Card

    I’ve turned by teacup pop-up card into a printable DIY project anyone can make with basic paper, scissors, and glue. It takes a lot of time to get this…

  • Tea Cup Pop-Up: Full-Color Draft

    After drawing and coloring all the parts in procreate, today was the first time printing and assembling the parts to see how they go together and note any changes…

  • Tea Cup Pop-Up : Paper Engineering

    Started designing a tea-cup pop-up card for Popupity. In the early stages, it’s helpful to work out the folds and layers with paper, then refine it on the iPad…