CosClay can be painted directly with acrylic paint, and the coverage is very satisfying. For the first coat of paint, my goal is the “cover the canvas”. Working quickly to block areas of color and define zones of contrast. The goal is to cover the piece entirely in paint, staying between the lines mostly and charging forward. This is the stage where I want to quit because my piece looks so bad at this step. I’m constantly repeating in my head, this is the first coat it will only get better from here. I let it dry for bout 30 minutes. Then immediately start the next layer of detail, beginning with the eyes. Adding the whites of the eyes and dot for the glint jump-start heart. Now my creation is alive and I’m learning it’s personality and needs. I have the momentum to complete the painting process. Dry brushing to accent the texture of the fur, adding shadow and highlights, further defining the areas of color. When I think the piece is very close to being done, I stop and go to bed. Looking at it with fresh eyes in the morning to clean up areas and make the last touches.