Today I picked up on an UFO (un-finished object) that was starting to speak to me again after sitting on the shelf since September 2021. This Wand Troll, began as a coffee jar and a foil ball for the head. Then, using Apoxie Sculpt, I started forming the head and large ears. The scales were an accident playing with leftover clay.
My initial vision was a large ear creature holding a balloon. Then, after months of being on the shelf, I realized the arm did not feel right, so I cut it off and at Sooz Art Group today, sculpted a bent elbow pose that revealed more of his personality.
I find it’s very natural for me to have 8-10 projects in various states of progress. So rather than scold myself about how I never finish anything, I’m choosing to work on the pieces telling me the “next steps”. The rest are simmering, and I need to give them time to develop.