This is the sculpture work I’ve desired to do but have been too scared to try. Large form wall hanging sculpture featuring larger-than-life versions of my whimsical creatures. I’ve been playing it small and on paper, and I’m tired of stalling. I need to make something large-scale. I started the giant skull and stoped after the paper-mache layer because I was too intimidated to continue. Then I started the giant giraffe sculpture and was terrified when the head was the same height as my body. My fears range from how much materials and resources are needed to attempt a piece like this, my mid says it wasteful if it does not work out. But how will I get the skills to sculpt big if I never do? So I’m doing it, using techniques I gleaned from James Lake’s internet videos and photos from the Lucca Biennale event in Italy, taking used carboard boxes and transforming them into a 24″ panda bear wall art. The cardboard structure that will get covered in a paper skin and, eventually, epoxy clay. I did a ruff front and profile sketch to get my bearings, but nothing more as overthinking stops me from taking action. Better for me to start and let the materials tell me what to do next.